Welcome to SWAN GROUP Questions – the inside scoop on the members of the Swan Group and what’s happening in their lives. Each letter in SWAN GROUP reveals a piece of information about them.

Get to know Michael Greenwood, the Operations Coordinator at Swan Brothers. With over a decade of experience at Swan Brothers, Michael plays a crucial role in the team.
His daily tasks revolve around managing fertiliser procurement, including pricing, and securing fertiliser for our customers.
Michael keeps a close eye on global market trends to make informed decisions that support our customers.
You can often find him hands-on, operating trucks, loaders, or spreaders, ensuring smooth operations around the Depot. His dedication and expertise contribute significantly to Swan Brothers' success in delivering top-notch service.
Check out Michael's answers to SWAN GROUP Questions!
S – If you could Swap jobs with anyone on the team for a day, who would it be and why?
Jake Holmes - I have always wanted to drive a seeder and I like the process of growing crops from start to finish. I would love to follow that through one day.
W – Who deserves the Workplace MVP this month?
Pete Brumfield because the other day we got smashed through the depot, we had a lot of spreading going on, it was dark and Pete was knocking off late and I heard him over the UHF call up Shaun and offer a hand.
A – If you had an Anthem, what song would it be?
Big Michael by Stormzy.
N – What is the Nuttiest thing that happened this month?
I was out in the lake doing recovery, walking alongside the jetty and I kicked something, so I bent down to pick it up and it was a shopping trolly.
G – If you were Given the opportunity to have dinner with someone famous who would it be and why?
Brodie Martin because I haven’t caught up with him in a while.
R – What’s the most Ridiculous item on your bucket list?
I would like to participate in a riot at a European soccer grudge match.
O – If our team was stranded in the Outback, who would be the survival expert and why?
Lachlan Stephens, I like the way he thinks, rather than just wanting to replace stuff when its broken he thinks of different ways to fix it or MacGyver it.
U – What’s an Unforgettable moment you’ve had in your career?
My first session with Leading Team, it was very confronting, but it just changed my mind set instantly.
P – If our team had a Production what would the title be and who would play you?
Our production would be called ‘Paddock Bashers’ and Dwayne Johnson would play me, but he would need to put in some hours at the gym beforehand.